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When to Consider Memory Care in Chattanooga: Top Signs to Watch For

It's estimated that as many as fifty-five million people have dementia around the world. Alzheimer's and similar dementia-related conditions are so insidious because it can sometimes feel like they come out of nowhere.

That's because early dementia signs often appear slowly and gradually. So, it can be challenging to know when you should seek care for it when your loved one begins showing symptoms.

Memory care in Chattanooga is a great way to slow the onset of the disease while also providing stimulation in a safe environment.

But how do you know when it's time to provide your loved one with this type of care option? In this dementia care tips guide, we'll look at some of the signs that you should get your loved one some help for their memory condition.

You Notice Behavior Changes

Many people think that the first signs of dementia involve memory loss indicators. While this can happen, the most common early dementia symptoms are behavior changes.

You might have lived with a person their entire life. While you feel like you know their personality, it could begin to unexpectedly change. Specifically, they might begin to exhibit changes like:

  • Increased levels of paranoia
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Unusual combativeness
  • Increased aggressiveness

Maybe someone was very social but is suddenly declining social events. Or maybe someone who has always been nice suddenly lashes out at someone in an unexpected way.

When you notice these changes it's important to go to a medical advisor to get a diagnosis. In some cases, they might be related to other conditions. However, more often than not it's a clear sign of early Alzheimer's or a similar dementia-related condition.

They Become Confused During Unsafe Times

It's common for people with dementia to get confused or disoriented at unexpected times. Unfortunately, this has the potential to create some unsafe situations.

One of the most common situations is when someone wanders away from their home. This can put them in dangerous locations with people they don't know. Or, they might forget to turn off the stove in their house.

Even worse is when this confusion occurs when they're driving.

Not only does this have the potential to put their life at risk, but also the lives of others. The second you begin to notice repeated dangerous behavior, you should consider Chattanooga senior care.

There's a Noticeable Decline in Physical Health

Sometimes, a person with dementia might be able to hide some of the other signs we discussed. However, one thing they can't disguise is a clear decline in their physical health.

Often, these changes occur because they aren't sleeping, eating, or cleaning themselves. They forget to make meals, groom themselves, and go shopping.

Keep in mind that their decline in physical health might not necessarily relate to dementia. For example, if they have undiagnosed diabetes or heart disease, they will need to get care in a specialized setting.

Caregiving Is Getting Harder

Often, family members must step up to take care of the person with dementia. However, busy schedules or unexpected outcomes might make the already hard job of caregiving even harder. Some common situations include:

  • An essential caregiver died or got sick
  • You have a demanding job that requires a lot of time away
  • You have other children or adults you need to take care of
  • You're the sole caregiver, and your family isn't supporting you
  • It's putting a financial strain on you

Remember that you shouldn't just consider your loved one when it comes to memory care.

You also need to consider your well-being and the well-being of the people helping you. So, if caregiving is getting hard, don't be afraid to reach out for more help.

Excessive Incontinence

Traditional caregivers, whether they're professional or family, can generally handle the occasional case of incontinence. However, if it's happening multiple times per day, or adult undergarments are no longer effective at preventing it, you'll need specialized memory care.

This isn't just to make life easier for the caregiver. Often, in the case of excessive incontinence, people with memory conditions don't address the accident immediately. This can lead to serious infections.

For example, bladder incontinence can result in urinary tract infections. If left untreated, this can spread to the kidneys and blood. Memory care residents received heightened levels of care that prevented these infections from ever becoming a problem in the first place.

Communication Gets Repetitive or Confusing

Have you noticed your loved one repeating stories over and over? Or maybe they're saying nonsensical things that you can't make heads or tails of.

These types of communication patterns are another sign that it's time for memory care. Also, remember that it doesn't just apply to verbal communication. You should also take into account things like texts, emails, or letters.

How to Find the Best Memory Care in Chattanooga

When searching for memory care, it's important to know how far along their condition is. If they're in the early or moderate stages of dementia, they should be fine in assisted living communities with a dedicated memory care program.

However, if they can't even speak or swallow, the condition has progressed too far. In these situations, they'll likely need 24/7 help in a nursing home. We recommend researching some of the options in your area.

Once you have a list of two or three options, go on some tours. Make sure you pay close attention to the other residents.

Get to know the staff and ask questions. That way, you're confident that they can provide the care your loved one needs.

Need Memory Care in Chattanooga? Visit Signal Mountain Senior Living

We hope this guide helped you learn when you should consider memory care in Chattanooga. Here at Signal Mountain Senior Living, we know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to memory care.

That's because everyone's disease progresses at different rates. That's why we apply an individualized approach to senior living services. So if you're ready to give your loved one the help they need, schedule a tour with us today.